When my youngest child, Rose, the little one in my lap, decided she was absolutely going to be one of the "reading crowd" I was faced with somewhat of a problem, as I did not have a lap large enough for three children, which meant Rachael, the oldest, had to stand by the chair while I held Rose and Thad in my lap. I did not believe this to be a fair arrangement and so I thought "You know, I am a rocking chair maker - I can figure this out!" I believe I figured it out pretty well.
I have made about twenty StoryTime Rocking Chairs since the first one in 1996 and will make more as folks order them. My regular rocking chairs sell from $6,000 and up so this chair is not, what you might call 'inexpensive' but I believe it is a bargain at $7,500. If you are adventurous and would like to come and help make your own StoryTime Rocking Chair, that would bring the price down to 6,500.
Having a StoryTime Rocking Chair is not what is important - reading to your children is! So whether you have a chair built for reading or not, get those books out!